Thursday, June 13, 2013

Randomness from a random person...

As usual, I am always thinking of ideas, and can't focus on one solid one because there is a sparkly and songs and next thing I know I am way off track. But hey, I guess that is what keeps life interesting isn't it?

So we had a storm roll through Bellefontaine last night...waiting for the inevitable, impending winds, golf ball sized hail, shear winds to blow trees down, etc. so I waited patiently on my front porch...The wind slowly picked up and blew dirt and leaves around, lightening was pretty and then the rain hit. It was beautiful...I felt the rain on my face, the temperature dropped and the thunder was a low rumbling in the sky. The lightening lit up the sky in moments of blue color, illuminating everything for a split second and casting an eerie tone to the trees, making them sway in the wind to their own beat. The rain was cold, the wind felt great and at midnight last night, I let myself become one with the moved around me and touched me with it's hand, embracing me with it's breath and allowing me to engulf myself in it's arms. Everyone knows the saying, "Some people feel the rain, others just get wet" well, I felt the rain last night. It was wonderful!

I must say that if you ever have a chance to be in a storm in the middle of the night, embrace it and reflect the beauty in the night that you don't get to see in the daytime!

Have a wonderful day everyone!

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