Thursday, January 12, 2012

No Experience Necessary...

Okay, maybe a little...but hey, you have to start somewhere right? So now, I am in that place right now. Yes, there is going to be a little butterfly floating around in my stomach because putting yourself out there just does that.

A little secret, it doesn't matter who you are, everyone is scared of rejection, and yes while you don't know some of the people who doesn't like your work, it still does get to you. I have been going two years in the shadows because of someone not liking my photo, and then a group of friends said the hell with the professional who said a stem was a little distracting and go for it here is it in all it's glory...the first picture that made me stop in my pursuit of happiness...

The one time I submitted to the local fair, and this was one of the pictures...while I guess I could have photoshopped the stem out, I was actually going for a different view on a flower. I think it was a good picture and you know what...I like it! I don't know why I let her influence me the way she did, and I am glad that my friends helped me out of that funk! So thank you Lisa Brandel, Ryan Slayback and Mary Garwood! You guys are awesome!!


  1. Hello.
    I think it's a beautiful shot! Love the color.
    Don't worry about what anyone else says or thinks...just follow your heart (smile).
    Thanks for sharing.

    Harp Of My Soul

  2. Some of the most expensive photo's in the world are in my opinion absolute rubbish and yet here you have something extremely beautiful displayed in a different way. Use your gut instinct rather than allowing others words to change your direction and never let them stop you in your tracks like this did. Whenever you put your art/work/writing, etc out there - there will always be someone who may not like it, that's life unfortunately you do also have to get a bit of a thick skin for those types of people. Everyone even the greatest artists and photographers at sometime would of received critique that wouldn't of been favourable but it didn't stop them.

    We are all learning at some point in our lives and yes it's good to listen to the professionally trained but take it on board and learn from it what you can, use it to bring out the best in you but keep true to yourself.

  3. Speaking as an amateur photographer, my advice to you would be this. Take what everyone says with a grain of salt. Every artist (and photography is an art) sees from their own perspective, which will always be different from yours. Not only that, but also know that you will also change, and the work you do now will show that growth. Do what moves you creatively, and as long as you like it, that is all that matters.

    I have been an artist for over 47 years, and I take criticism as something to think about, digest and use for my growth. Yes, I take it personally, but I also know it doesn't reflect on me as a person. I love the complimentary color scheme and angle of your photo. Good luck to you and keep shooting! :D

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Your photographs, Kuuipo - this one and the ones in the earlier post are fabulous! ♥

  6. this one is lovely...a slightly different perspective.

  7. interesting image. it is true, as artists we each need to follow our own vision. congratulations on doing that! in defense of your art critic (and i don't know if you asked for her advice or not...) "a stem was a little distracting" is not exactly a scathing review -- haha! she is entitled to her opinion, also. when we put our artwork out in the world, we open ourselves up to a world of critique. this can help us grow or shut us down, depending on how we decide to use the information. best wishes following your dream!

  8. I think this is an awesome photo! It is vibrant with color and detail.

  9. Thank you for all the wonderful comments! Yes, that did stop me for a while, but now I am going for it! Life is too short to be succumbed to negativity, so now I headed for my dreams! Thank you for all the support! You all are wonderful! Happy Blogging!
