Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Enjoying life's little moments...

Can you honestly say that you enjoy life's little moments? Yes, I tend to be "lost" in my world alot and don't happen to see every moment, but the ones I do catch...I take a moment to reflect on it. I like those moments, it can happen at any time, without warning to make you stop and pause on life.

With life being so chaotic and never ending, it is nice to have a moment like that. Today, my daughter comes home from church and starts to sing the "books of the bible" song...skipping the entire middle of the New least she has the beginning and end downpact! So we sat an listened to the song for 1/2 hour while she tried to learn it all in one night! Twas very cute!

We also had another moment when she was introducing me to her "BFF" (mind you it was a school project against anti-bullying and she is a paper doll!) But she explained how she turned her into a girl and gave her hair and a whole identity! I have an amazing child! Yes, she is the most random child (who two seconds later wants to join cheerleading but only for one year and is going on a super weight loss program to do she is munching on a piece of homemade pizza she made for dinner yes I know that's not right to giggle about that, but hey...if you knew her, you would know where her story was going after that! (As she runs downstairs for ice cream, cause you have to have dessert after every meal!) She then proceeds to tell me that she doesn't want to be the top cheerleader because the outfits they use are a little "high" as she puts it and she doesn't want to show anything!

After that two minutes, she talks about bullying and how her school has the anti-bullying rule in effect...and how Assassin's Creed is a boys game and her friend Spencer who is an "A" student told her that she couldn't play that oh to be a 5th grader again!

Anyways, those were my little life moments for today! As I tell her it is bedtime, she tells me that she's glad to be going to bed because she is tired and thanks for "hanging" out with her tonight! <3 her!!

Anyways, yes this was just a random blog (I guess I am famous for those!) but I had to share my little moments with everyone! Happy Blogging everyone! Enjoy the time with your loved ones, because life stands still for no one!

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