Sunday, December 4, 2011

The makings of a Yeti story!

LOL...okay, maybe not so much but wheels are burning for the inspiration! Anyways, I thought I would put that on my To-Do List as an ongoing adventure to find the perfect Yeti story...and as always a to be continued one at that!

After playing union workers today with Lisa..hehe...we managed to get the organizer in an upright position and somewhat looking empty! (Our fifteen mintue project...two hours, five cigarettes, a Tim Horton run and two sore thumbs and bleeding knuckle later) but we got it upright!! Yay US!!

We also got a few ideas going for the extra money situation everyone is in dire need for! Stay tuned for that journey! Working on still uploading the pictures from Friday night on here! My epic journey to the center of town night with the kiddies turned really cold, but worth it!

Okay, so far I have managed to squeeze in a Yeti while talking about an organizer and injuries and a kid day! Chalk that up for the records!! But anyways, I am off to dream land and work comes again tomorrow!

Happy Blogging, and hopefully this montage of ideas will be better posted and not so scattered on the next one!


  1. Everyone needs a yeti story...I had to soak my knuckle...just say'n LOL Twas a fun afternoon even though we didn't get shelves in your organizer....power tools are FUN (when they have power)

  2. LoL sounds like normal chaos to me...wait, chaos..normal? Ah well, I understand is what I meant...

  3. As long as you have great ideas, all is well.

  4. Keep filling your mind with great motivated you are :)
