Saturday, December 3, 2011

When it rains....

I am so glad that my six day work week is over! It would be nice to sleep in (till 6:30 at least...hopefully) and then spend the day figuring out how I'm gonna rearrange my craft room!
Staying on the positive note right now, trying to take it one day at a time...but everything that can go wrong will keep heading that way I guess!

But let's not go there for the time being, because I am focusing on a solution and not the problem(s). They say when it rains, it pours...and it's times like this when you think about that one time you were going to do something...ya know?

On a mental note, the next time I do that, I'm just gonna say screw it and do it anyways so I am prepared! Darn procrastination handicap!! LOL...anyways, I am all over the place on this blog right now because too many voices want a chance to speak but doesn't want to wait in I am ending it here before I get lost in my own blog!

As always, happy blogging everyone and keep your chin up...cause looking down all the time might make you smack a tree or street sign! (Mr. Banana Man in the suit at the parade today...)


  1. Ipod - You really need to read my latest post (shameless plug). Glad you got out with Lisa did you both good. Rest and get back to blogging well


  2. Take your time and be nice to yourself and I'm sure the problems will iron themselves out.
