Tuesday, May 28, 2013

All the small things...

They really add up don't they? LOL, yes that was a random thought going through my head with nothing to do whatsoever with this blog...so here it goes!

Imitation is a form of flattery...but is it really? I know of a few celebrities who get mad when someone else is posing as them, yet it makes me giggle. Yes, I am guilty of following a few celebs on facebook and twitter, but to see them upset about a "poser" page is quite funny. Here are a few reasons why:
  • Their posers respond to their fans...(OMG shocker!!)
  • They use positive quotes and make them sound like deep thinkers! (Heaven forbid!)
  • They use the same pictures anyone can get off the internet...and guess what...they reflect a positive reaction from your fan base!
I don't get why they are upset...in fact, these posers are actually doing free PR for them and marketing...they should be getting a commission off you! My two cents on that topic; on to the next.

Not gonna lie, it affects everyone at one point or another...but make sure you ask advice from people who will give you good advice, not people who want to inflict more confusion on you. My best advice...you are going to have to live with the consequence no matter what you choose, choose what is best for you and something you can live with! Yes, hardest decision in your life sometimes, but hey, you are going to make it out of it...maybe crappy for a while, but even that too shall pass!
Here are a few things to follow, in the future:
  • If you want it to work, do your best to earn their trust...relationships are like a full time job where it does take hard work and commitment...
  • If you want to leave, then find the courage to leave...it's hard, not gonna lie, but will get better in time.
  • If you are having doubts, make sure you think about it before letting emotions get the best of you...because sometimes the "little" head likes to think it is in charge.
  • If you think that you are becoming boring in your relationship, change it up...be random and spontaneous! Live a little!!

I think that this blog does relate to all the small things...huh, I guess even in random moments, words taken from the brain and formed on paper with inadvertedly become something noteworthy!
Anyways, the music is my head is slowly increasing volume so I will end it here! Have a wonderful night and stay beautiful!!

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