Sunday, November 27, 2011


Okay, so my second vision of this picture is now completed! I know it may offend a few people (especially teachers) but let's face it...with so much money being put into education, how are we not in at least the top 5 in the world for education for public education (not including colleges)?

I am hoping that this is an eyeopener for parents as well, because our future depends on our children, so why not give them the best education that money can buy? I know as a parent I want my child to excel.

I think that there are programs out there that should work with public schools, (Sylvan Learning Center for one) who can help children learn. It is also up to the parents at home to help them understand their work from school. Too many parents work two jobs to make ends meet, and try to be there for their children, but grandparents or babysitters raise more of our children nowadays than parents.

I know I am nowhere near "parent of the year" but I try to be there for my daughter. I don't have the patience sometimes, but I try to make it fun for her to learn what she needs to in life. I hope somewhere in the near future they will have classes for debt management, and understanding how to live within your means that will be a requirement for graduation. These are things that children do have to deal with when they become adults, so teach them that as well.

I think I may have gone a little on the "soap box" so before my rant goes any further, I will end it here. Hope you see the vision as I did, and hopefully the rant didn't upset anyone but make them think about what your public school have to offer!

Happy Blogging Everyone!


  1. Great post. Having suffered through our "education" system I've always been an advocate for change, for stopping the bull crap that goes on in schools. I can really relate and appreciate this.

  2. Great post.I have watched the slow or even the gifted just slipped through on many occasion. It is sad. There are many very good teachers and educators out there and I believe they should be paid accordingly. I also believe that there are some who are there just because that is where they landed. Since I have no solutions I will say no more.
    Love that photo though the apple is great.

  3. Very thoughtful one. I just posted something on teachers today. Being a teacher myself, I found myself nodding away to everything you had to say.

    Joy always,
